壳牌润滑油 美孚润滑油 克鲁勃润滑油 福斯润滑油 道达尔润滑油 嘉实多润滑油 加德士润滑油 长城润滑油 昆仑润滑油 BP润滑油
Shell Gadus S2 OG 40详细说明 (浏览1407次)
Product Description Viscosity,
mm2/s AT
    40°C | 100°C    
Shell Gadus S2 V100 3 General purpose grease for rolling element electric motor bearings and plain bearings. 100 | 11 3 180

Shell Gadus S2 A320 2

Highly water resistant, extreme pressure tacky grease for wire rope, open gear and other open deck grease applications 320 |16 2 260

Shell Gadus S2 V220 0

Lithium based general purpose extreme pressure grease 220 | 19 0 -

Shell Gadus S2 V220 1

Lithium based general purpose extreme pressure grease 220 | 19 1 180

Shell Gadus S2 V220 2

Lithium based general purpose extreme pressure grease 189 | 15.6 2 180

Shell Gadus S2 V220AC 2

Mixed Lithium/Calcium based high performance multipurpose Extreme Pressure grease 220 | 18 2 175

Shell Gadus S2 V220AD 2

High performance heavy duty grease containing solid lubricants 160 | 15.5 2 188

Shell Gadus S3 T220 2

Ultimate performance extreme pressure di-urea grease 220 | 19 2 260

Shell Gadus S3 V220C 2

High performance, Lithium complex high temperature, extreme pressure multi-purpose grease 220 | 19 2 260

Shell Gadus S3 High Speed Coupling Grease

Lithium Complex based Premium Gear Coupling grease 700 | 34 1 >150

Shell Gadus S5 V100 2

Advanced Lithium Complex synthetic based Premium Extreme Pressure grease for wide Temperature ranges    100 | 14 2 260
Shell Gadus S2 OG 40 High-performance open gear and wire rope grease 660 | 40 - -

Shell Gadus S2 OG 50

High-performance open gear and wire rope grease 870 | 50 - -
上一产品: 美孚润滑油系列 > 润滑脂 > Mobilith SHC PM460.美孚力富SHC™PM460
下一产品: 福斯润滑脂/福斯油脂/多用途润滑脂/福斯耐极压润滑脂 /重负荷润滑脂
友情链接:百度搜索引擎 壳牌润滑油官网 美孚润滑油官网 
版权所有:深圳市华航润滑科技有限公司 地址:深圳市南山区高新园中区科技中二路 网址:http://www.hhrhy168.com 邮箱:2118555039@qq.com
联系人:朱小姐(经理) 手机:15919763337 15919760805 电话:0755-21048979 传真:0755-21019451 邮编:518000 粤ICP备18138428号
关键词:壳牌(SHell)、美孚(Mobil). 克鲁勃(klueber)、埃索(Esso)、嘉实多(Castrol)、BP润滑油、道达尔润滑油(TOTAL)、福斯润滑油(FUCHS),加德士