壳牌润滑油 美孚润滑油 克鲁勃润滑油 福斯润滑油 道达尔润滑油 嘉实多润滑油 加德士润滑油 长城润滑油 昆仑润滑油 BP润滑油
壳牌施倍力S3 TLV (shell Spirax S3 TLV )详细说明 (浏览1811次)

 Previous Name: Shell Donax TD Low Viscosity 
Shell Spirax S3 TLV                                
Premium, Low Viscosity, Tractor Transmission and Hydraulic 
Shell Spirax S3 TLV is a specially friction modified, low viscosity “universal tractor 
transmission oil” (UTTO) designed for use in transmission, differential, hydraulic and oil 
immersed brakes as well as power takeoff systems in agricultural tractors and off-road 
equipment.  Spirax S3 TLV is designed to provide noise free oil immersed (wet) brake 
performance combined with reliable, trouble free operation in the other applications.  

Applications                                                          *    Reliable Performance 
                                                                           Spirax S3 TLV is formulated using additives that 
Suitable for applications allowing a common oil in 
                                                                           have been extensively used in agricultural 
transmission, wet brake and hydraulic systems 
                                                                           applications and provide robust reliable 
particularly designed for tractors and ancillary 
                                                                           operation in a wide range of equipment. 
*  Tractors  and  other  equipment  using  a  common                  Specifications and Approvals: 
     fluid  to  lubricate  the  transmission,  differential               API                       GL-4 
     and hydraulic systems                                                Caterpillar               TO-2 
*  Caterpillar  powershift  transmissions  requiring  a                   Case/New Holland  MS-1204, MS-1206, MS-1207, 
     TO-2 Fluid                                                                                 MS-1209, MS-1210 
*  mobile  equipment  using  Sundstrand  hydrostatic                      John Deere                JDM J20D 
                                                                          ZF                        03F 
* mobile and industrial hydraulic systems operating                   Advice 
     over a wide temperature range                                    Advice on applications not covered in this leaflet 
Please    see    application     list  below     for   vehicle        may be obta

ined from your Shell Representative. 
     application recommendations.  
                                                                      Health and Safety 
Performance Features and Benefits 
                                                                      Guidance on Health and Safety are available on the 
*    Special frictional performance and material                      appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet, which can 
     compatibility                                                    be obtained from your Shell representative.  
     Spirax S3 TLV is a highly friction-modified                      Protect the environment 
     tractor transmission oil that provides smooth and                Take used oil to an authorized collection point.  Do 
     quiet brake operation, particularly in tractors                  not discharge into drains, soil or water. 
     fitted with sintered bronze and graphitic brake 

Typical Physical Characteristics 

Spirax S3 TLV                                                                     

 Kinematic Viscosity                                    ISO 3104                  
    at  40°C                          mm /s                                    37 

    at 100°C                          mm /s                                   7.5 
 Density at 15°C                             3
                                       kg/m            ISO 12185              870 

 Flash Point COC                         °C             ISO 2592              190 

 Pour Point                              °C             ISO 3016              -45 
These characteristics are typical of current production.  Whilst future production will conform to Shell's 
specification, variations in these characteristics may occur. 
Shell Lubricants  - 001D8244                                 Page 1 of 2                                                   18/08/2010 

上一产品: Shell Spirax S2 G 140
下一产品: 美孚矿山滑脂
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版权所有:深圳市华航润滑科技有限公司 地址:深圳市南山区高新园中区科技中二路 网址:http://www.hhrhy168.com 邮箱:2118555039@qq.com
联系人:朱小姐(经理) 手机:15919763337 15919760805 电话:0755-21048979 传真:0755-21019451 邮编:518000 粤ICP备18138428号
关键词:壳牌(SHell)、美孚(Mobil). 克鲁勃(klueber)、埃索(Esso)、嘉实多(Castrol)、BP润滑油、道达尔润滑油(TOTAL)、福斯润滑油(FUCHS),加德士