壳牌润滑油 美孚润滑油 克鲁勃润滑油 福斯润滑油 道达尔润滑油 嘉实多润滑油 加德士润滑油 长城润滑油 昆仑润滑油 BP润滑油
RENOLIN UNISYN CKC68,HC68,HC100,HC150,HC220,HC320 齿轮油详细说明 (浏览1468次)


Polyalphaolefin-Based Industrial Gear and Lubricating Oils

Designed for use in industrial gearboxes and general lubricating systems subject to high temperatures, RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils are fully-synthetic lubricants based on polyalphaolefins. RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils lower friction and reduce wear. Furthermore, these oils increase the efficiency of machine components. Depending on the application, a number of viscosity grades can be satisfied by a single RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oil. This allows users to rationalize stocks and cut costs. Polyalphaolefins, and thus RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils, are miscible and compatible with mineral oils at all ratios and can be disposed-of as such. The compatibility of polyalphaolefins with common machinery materials, seals and paint finishes is comparable with that of mineral oils. Changing-over to RENOLIN UNISYN CKC is therefore very simple and requires no prior flushing. RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils can be classified as CKC lubricating oils according to ISO 6743-6.

The specific benefits of using RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils are:

  • Extremely good ageing resistance
  • Excellent corrosion protection
  • Good cold-flowing properties
  • Excellent viscosity-temperature behaviour

RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils can be used in bearings, lubrication systems and gearboxes subject to high or fluctuating temperatures.
In gearboxes and lubricating systems where the sump temperatures exceed 90°C, normal mineral oil change intervals can be significantly extended with RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils which, in turn, substantially lower operating and disposal costs.
When changing-over to RENOLIN UNISYN CKC oils in machines and equipment which operate at temperatures of over 60°C, one viscosity grade lower than the normal mineral oil grade should be selected.

RENOLIN UNISYN CKC   68 100 150 220 320 460 680  
Lubricating oil type                  
acc. to ISO 6743-6   CKC 68 CKC 100 CKC 150 CKC 220 CKC 320 CKC 460 CKC 680  
acc. to DIN 51 502   HC 68 HC 100 HC 150 HC 220 HC 320 HC 460 HC 680  
Characteristics Unit               Test method
Kinematic viscosity                  
at 40 °C mm²/s 72 104 151 221 315 479 668 ASTM D 445
at 100 °C mm²/s 11.1 14.9 19.4 25.8 33.3 45 62 ASTM D 445
Viscosity index   146 149 147 148 148 149 159 ASTM D 2270
Density at 15 °C kg/l 0.837 0.842 0.848 0.85 0.851 0.853 0.855 ASTM D 1298
Flash point, Cleveland open cup °C 248 254 230 232 234 304 262 ASTM D 92
Pour point °C -51 – 45 – 45 – 42 – 39 – 33 – 33 ASTM D 97
Neutralization number mg KOH/g 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 ASTM D 974
seq. I ml 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I III
seq. II ml 15/0 15/0 15/0 15/0 15/0 15/0 15/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I III
seq. III ml 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 5/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I III
Copper corrosion degree of corr. 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 1a-100A24 ASTM D 130
Rust prevention   pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B pass B ASTM D 665
Four ball EP test N 2200 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 ASTM D 2783
FZG mechanical gear rig test load stage > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 DIN 51 354-2
上一产品: 美孚SHC Gear OH680齿轮油
下一产品: 德国福斯RENOLIN CKC100,CKC150,CKC220,CKC320,CKC460,CKC680
友情链接:百度搜索引擎 壳牌润滑油官网 美孚润滑油官网 
版权所有:深圳市华航润滑科技有限公司 地址:深圳市南山区高新园中区科技中二路 网址:http://www.hhrhy168.com 邮箱:2118555039@qq.com
联系人:朱小姐(经理) 手机:15919763337 15919760805 电话:0755-21048979 传真:0755-21019451 邮编:518000 粤ICP备18138428号
关键词:壳牌(SHell)、美孚(Mobil). 克鲁勃(klueber)、埃索(Esso)、嘉实多(Castrol)、BP润滑油、道达尔润滑油(TOTAL)、福斯润滑油(FUCHS),加德士